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Dimension Seekers

A device to help tune a multi-dimensional organism


A project under the Grey Matter concept.

A piece of eyewear serves as a meditative aid to help block out external stimuli in order to help focus on or align with another realm of being (be it spiritual, mental, physical, or emotional)

Use for



Gaze at limitless space to help practice mindfulness.

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Connect to music to decompress.

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Help block out external stimuli.

Design statement

How might we aid one's journey toward greater self mastery?

Final direction

An aid to facilitating a relationship between all levels of being.

It is a piece of headgear that is used as a meditative tool to help give one consideration or attention to other levels of awareness beyond the purely habituated physical and emotional.

Training Your Brain-

Biological Research Summary

Our sense of reality flows in two ways-

1. Stimuli entering the brain

2. THEN the brain’s perceptual prediction after


This relationship puts more emphasis on perception as an active construction process

Actively generating the world from perceptual predictions as opposed to solely passively percieving it (that being only the 1st step in the process)



A device for consideration and exploration of self and experience/ our sense of reality.

Experiential/ education/ lifestyle focused

Themes from Insights

Genesis by observership

Utilizing thought as a tool

Ritual, manifestation and practice


how it works


This device serves as a seperation of normal stimuli to provide an environment or moment for opening up to other considerations of being

Changing and limiting visuals will help unhabituate other levels of feeling

Act of entering a different space builds a type of ritual (or practice) that builds an accordance with your specific intent

Limiting and conrolling sense load to work in favor of attuning to other levels of awareness

Entering another space without being removed completely from the one presently in

Lights applied on temples

1-way Mirror (mirror facing out)

1-way Mirror (mirror facing in)

Lights for reflection

Target consumer

Early Adopters

Magic practioners, experienced meditators, manifestors, psychics.

Early Majority

People looking to start meditating, willingness but still limited experience with mental focus.      Active experimentation.  

Medium Majority

People who like visual effects, need help sleeping, interested in trying new approaches but not committed. Passive or convenient experimentation.


Aggressively non-spiritually-inclined individuals. Non-experimentalists.


• Focusing on positive construction- addressing most basic urge to grow and be more than what we are

• Focusing on humans complex layered experiences as creators, and explorers

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