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Concept Projects

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AND binded to the will

A brand I developed in 2019 that focuses on spirituality and myth and how that translates in the modern age.A brand that produces imagery and products designed to help bring consciousness back to certain habits or issues-specifically mental health- through portraying them spiritually.

This brand aims to serve as a visual articulation of Grey Matter's concepts- specifically those in reference to magic, creation, and chaos. It aims to draw attention to and promote how much intentionality, conciousness, and magic there is in the world. 


a little about PsykoTWERP...

 This brand aims to serve as a visual articulation of my personal spiritual enlightenment and what that process looks like in the modern day. 

PsykoTwerp's Goal

To offer a way to visualize and understand spirituality

To promote healthy spiritual practices and ways to reach out spiritually that make sense in/ are adapted to the modern age

The goal is to develop imagery to bring to life the lifless of hard to digest.

Also to spread into channels that people actuallt pay attention to

To offer and articulate a spiritual lens/ filter to modern mental health that many discount in a way that makese sense alongside science and psychology

It is not about staging or creating a look it is about living it out.

if you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hands



How Does This Brand Communicate This?

Artists help cultivate interest in anything. 

To create a narrative that integrates into the human story here on Earth and in practiced life.

Going into the Future

To offer a way to visualize and understand spirituality

To promote healthy spiritual practices and ways to reach out spiritually that make sense in/ are adapted to the modern age

To offer and articulate a spiritual lens/ filter to modern mental health that many discount in a way that makese sense alongside science and psychology

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